Thursday, November 26, 2015

Thank you

Happy Thanksgiving! Now that I have recovered from the feast enough that I no longer wish to throw up (yes, I know you all wanted to know that), here are 100 people/things I am thankful for:

1.     God, for hope beyond all and love despite all
2.     David, for your constancy, being in this with me, breakfast in bed, and Netflix binges
3.     Netflix
4.     Chick-fil-A
5.     Chick-fil-A sauce
6.     Health insurance (love that “cost: $0.00”)
7.     Modern medicine (what did people do for headaches before?!)
8.     Pumpkin pie
9.     Brian, for your music suggestions and encouragements
10.  Bette, for surprise packages at just the right moment
11.  Caitlin, for afternoon phone calls and unwavering belief
12.  Andrew, for comic relief
13.  Jonathan, for your honesty
14.  Abby, for your thoughtful notes and questions
15.  Caitlin Marie, for your optimism
16.  Kaitlyn Elizabeth, for your hugs
17.  Anderson, for making me laugh at it all and laughing with me
18.  Tijunae, for giving me hope for all of us
19.  David S., for offering to beat up misbehaving students
20.  Grandma W., for your warmth
21.  Grandpa W., for your little comments that say it all
22.  Grandma E., for looking after me
23.  Grandpa E., for your anecdotes
24.  Mom, for being my mentor
25.  Dad, for Skyping me in the middle of your work day when I was having bad day
26.  Caroline, for being so dependable
27.  Sophia, for looking deep
28.  Lauren, for doing everything that needs doing
29.  Joshua, for always being so happy to see me
30.  Sam, for noticing when I was feeling better and entertaining my many questions
31.  Mikki, for encouragement, hugs, and talking about books
32.  Erv, for showing YouTube videos in Sunday school
33.  Donuts at church
34.  Capleville, for lengthy greetings
35.  Millbrook, for taking us back in
36.  AP & TH, for coming when I’m about to lose my mind
37.  Wolfgangs, for having pancakes that put dessert to shame
38.  Squash
39.  Butter
40.  Brown sugar
41.  Highways
42.  GPSs
43.  Sweet potatoes
44.  Ice cream
45.  Trees
46.  Mary Oliver
47.  J.K. Rowling
48.  Mitch Albom
49.  Paulo Coelho
50.  E.E. Cummings
51.  Used book shops
52.  Chocolate
53.  Tea
54.  Pillows
55.  Heated car seats
56.  Warm water
57.  Happy socks
58.  Popcorn
59.  Erasers
60.  Snow on pine trees
61.  Snow on bare branches
62.  ZL, for always greeting me
63.  BG, for always asking about my weekend
64.  LK, for trying
65.  SH, for your comments that say everything I’m not allowed to say
66.  LW, for being brilliant
67.  AH, for your curiosity and persistence
68.  JJ and KH, for quietly doing everything I ask
69.  ER, for your pursuit of excellence
70.  Apples
71.  Peanut butter
72.  Public libraries
73.  ET, for that look on your face when you accidentally drop kicked a pen into my back
74.  Billy, for your care and hugs
75.  Christopher, for all the beautiful nature pictures your post on Instagram
76.  Hanten
77.  Photographs
78.  Laughter (especially when the alternative is crying)
79.  Perspective
80.  Flowers
81.  Earthworms
82.  Crossword puzzles
83.  Frozen yogurt (excuse for the toppings)
84.  Gibson’s Donuts
85.  Soy sauce
86.  Kale
87.  Hairdressers, for pampering me
88.  Life
89.  Health
90.  Ferrous sulfate
91.  Whipped cream
92.  Teapots
93.  DW, for fixing my computer and pencil sharpener (every time)
94.  DC, for fixing my stapler
95.  Dishwashers
96.  The ocean
97.  Lotion
98.  Electricity
99.  Automatic billing
100.  Comfortable shoes

(Mostly that helped to make me thankful, so congratulations if you made it all the way through!)

Off to boil another cup of tea now - 

Love and thanks to all,

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